Tuesday, August 28, 2012

IV. My Political Views

My Political Views
When I was asked about my political views, I had not examined them with any considerable thought. I felt that my political view was like many young people in America who have become discouraged with today’s political system. The political view that it does not matter which major party is in control of the local, state or federal government. There are little changes occurring in our future. In my judgment, there are many citizens in this nation which see two segments being developed in society. There is an elite society which control the economy, politics, and social issues and a poor society who have modest decision making power in their life. There is a phrase, “All politics is local” which was supposedly said by Tip O’Neil, who served as the U.S. Speaker of the House from 1977 until 1987 (web). The meaning of the statement has to do with politicians and the influence from the people who elected them to office.  In my opinion, local politicians are like higher levels of politicians. They look out for the special interest of the people who finance their political campaign and for the best interest of themselves. They take care of the elite in society.
            After completing the survey questions in the political compass test (web), I found that my political views lean toward the left-libertarian. I agree that there should be a government structure where the leadership is geared toward the common good for all in the community. I do see a flaw in this outlook because the majority may demand some social conformity that would be destructive to a minority. For example, the community may demand that all homosexual/transgender citizens be removed from the community or they face harsh restrictions while other citizens in the community are not subjected to those restrictions. Nevertheless, I believe that if the leadership comes from all segments of society, the tendency to divide the community between majority and minority can be avoided. All citizens should take responsibility to become informed about the decision making process on community issues. In my view, the community can only be strengthened through education and encouragement to become responsible individuals who will participate in improving their community and sustaining their local economy.
            In regards to a participatory economy where the workers make the decisions about what is going to be done in the workplace, I would have to give considerable thought to the concept.  The main goal of a participatory economy is to break down the present economic inequality in the capitalist system and reach a level of one class of workers. Each worker feels they have the equal opportunity and ability to contribute to the workplace. Personally, I believe people are not always equal in the workplace. There are those who have the mental capacity to achieve greater goals, like cardiologist and engineers and those who have the physical capacity, like athletes that excel from the other workers. In a participatory economy, these individuals would be discouraged.
            My political views are developing in an on-going process. As I educate myself, my perceptions are changing based on the information that I learn. My greatest concern is that the economic elite are not permitted to control the poorer people's livesA person who examines the world around them, debates the possibilities, and evaluates the alternatives will make better decisions in life.

Works Cited

http://www.politicalcompass.org/index, n.d.  Tue. 28. Aug. 2012.
http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/All politics is local. n.d, Tue.28.Aug. 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

III. Age of Enlightenment

Age of Enlightenment
            When we consider the concept of enlightenment, the image of 18th century philosophers standing around in a dusty library or gathered in the back corner of a coffee house come to mind. This image is far from the truth. Enlightenment began as a cultural movement in the 18th century when intellectuals began to question man’s role in religion and traditions.  They publically debated the notion of advancing man’s thinking beyond the teachings of the church and state. It was a radical concept in those days. We as a modern society in the 21st century need to expand on these concepts of enlightenment to address the issues that we are encountering on a global level. Historians link the enlightenment movement of the 18th century to political, social and economic factors that lead to local revolutions, but in the 21st century we need to become enlightened with how a global society needs to interact. Our society is challenged to advance not only individual national goals, but long-term global goals.
            In the YouTube videos of Taylor and Robinson, they each make interesting points that enlightenment is an ongoing process. The ideals proposed in the 18th century still hold importance today. The videos point out that humans are always re-inventing their concepts of life and are adapting to the demands of social living. Taylor said that globalization and the concepts of addressing long-term concerns over national concerns have to become a priority. We need to acknowledge the problems, honor them with respect toward each other, and debate the solution to these problems. Robinson focuses on education and the global need to move away from the current educational system which was conceive during the industrial revolution. He makes a very good point when he stated that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should not be medicated and the world education system needs to discontinue the production line mentality of education. Divergent thinking should be encouraged with an education that will stimulate the mind into new directions. Robinson is correct when he says that for every question there can be more than one answer.
            The age of enlightenment may have begun with 18th century society, but we must agree that we also need to be enlightened to address today’s social, political, and economic issues. There needs to be a revolution in the educational system. We need to change the attitude of looking at our own national concerns and move toward addressing the long-term concerns of the planet.      

Works Cited

Taylor, Matthew. “21st century enlightenment”. n.d. Sat. 25. Aug. 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC7ANGMy0yo&feature=relmfu.
Robinson, Ken. “Changing Education Paradigms”. n.d.  Sat. 25. Aug. 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= zDZFcDGpL4U&feature=youtu

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Red Hot Chili Peppers!!!

II. They Say

Douglas Rushkoff makes several valid points about how corporate America uses their resources to coerce the public into buying their particular product or service. He cleverly used the word 'they' in giving them a collective identity. One must realize that we, as the consumer, are constant being assaulted to buy or use certain brands or services. Whenever a person opens their social media sites, like Facebook or Twitter, they receive information about products and services that are advertising with these Internet sites. Rushkoff gave an excellent warning about repressing the urge to panic because we are being manipulated by advertisers. He states that the more we attempt to suppress the urge to resist we become disconnected from recognizing the power of advertisers. We become vulnerable to them trying to coerce us into purchasing their particular brand.
One has to agree that the internet has opened up so many ways for consumers to compare and shop for the best products. They have taken control of what they demand from the manufacturer and have developed sites that expose those products that fail to meet quality standards. The younger consumers are some of the most savvy when it comes to product performance standards. From cell phones and video games to computers, they push the manufactures to constantly innovate and expand the capacity of their products. As Rushkoff stated, coherers are the hunters and consumers are the prey. In some cases the advertisers are winning, but the younger consumer is more evasive to the hype. It is true that advertisers are becoming more technologically aware, but consumers have to make the effort to stay ahead of their game. Just as Rushkoff explains, the moment we, as the consumer, allow our awareness to slip into a lower level of self-consciousness is the moment that your mind is open for manipulation.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I. Critical Analysis

After reading the chapter entitled "Summary: Theory for Beginners" in the book An Introduction to Criticism: Literature/Film/Culture by Michael Ryan, the reader is made aware that criticism is an important part of human development. As Michael Ryan explains, criticism can give a person more insight about the world which surrounds them (Ryan 161). The purpose of this chapter is to bring together the factors of cultural studies and to explain that critical analysis of works created by writers and artist is an important part of human culture. There seems to be two factors to consider when thinking about criticism and cultural studies. The first factor deals with how humans should be critical of narrative stories and the second factor deals with questioning self- motivated perceptions.

             As Ryan says,"cultural images influence our behavior, ideas change history, and spoken words have force"(Ryan 161). Humans have existed for thousand of years and we have created cultural images since the time of primitive man. We have developed many written languages. Narrative stories have been recorded in each of these languages and passed from one generation to another. They have become cultural images that influence our behavior. In Ryan's opinion, we should be critical of these stories. He says that if a person begins by assuming that narratives like national stories are inaccurate, they are beginning in the right place (Ryan 169). One must agree that our understanding has evolved with each generation and cultural norms dealing with the laws that govern our actions and with the civil institutions like money and commerce that insures our survival in a civilized world should be given critical analysis. The idea of wealth, power, and gender identity are influenced by cultural images. The criticism of cultural norms is not to destroy them, but it is to study them for justification. 

            When one thinks about complex cultural issues, their perspectives need to be given validations as well. Ryan repeatedly uses the word "terrorism" to illustrate his point that a single word can influence the behavior of entire nations (Ryan 162,163,164,176). Self- righteousness is easily used to distort cultural issues and to make one's own perspective seem right and their actions justified. Ryan illustrated how President George W. Bush spoke about terrorism as if everything he said was true because of his perspective (Ryan 164). A cultural issue like terrorism is connected with other issues and it is difficult to separate them into small fragments. One must agree that criticism can help to break down one's own perspective about the world and allow for the consideration of other views. We begin to question our self- motivation and look more intensely at how cultural factors influence our behavior. 

              The factors about cultural issues outlined by Ryan and his views on criticism do give a person more perspective about the world around them. Ryan tells the reader that artist and writers often look beyond the erroneous perspectives that conform to an authoritarian government and imagine alternates (Ryan 180). It is important that one critically analysis these works and evaluate their perspective of cultural issues since criticism is a way of cultural evolution.